Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Abnormal cells

UPDATE: The biopsy results are already in--Dr. G's office called late yesterday afternoon. The cells did come back as low-grade. So, I won't have to do anything for now. I'll just get re-tested in 6 months. So, that sounds like good news to me compared to the other options.

I won't know for sure for another week or so, but Dr. G felt pretty certain today that my abnormal cells are pre-cancerous. He says if the results that come back show that they are low grade, then he will just keep an eye on me with visits every 6 months. If they come back high-grade, then he'll need to schedule a surgical procedure. Which procedure he schedules will depend on the results, so he didn't want to discuss all of the options today. But he did warn me that he wouldn't be surprised if the tests came back high grade. But he also said he'd much rather treat pre-cancer cells than cancer! So, I'll have to let you know more as soon as I hear something back from him. Until then, keep praying!

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