Tuesday, July 13, 2010

potty training

I probably shouldn't speak too soon, but Turner has been pottying once a day for the last week now. That's one less diaper a day we're using; now we just need to get diaper free. Sometimes it's just sheer luck that he goes, but other times he really does show signs that he understands what he's supposed to do. He'll move up into a new classroom at school soon, and it will have a potty for them to continue working with him as well. He's also starting to attempt some speech now. If all words related to food, we would be in good shape. He's got "more" down, and this morning I think he said "done". Sometimes you can recognize "milk" and "juice". He'll at least try to say whatever you tell him to repeat now, which is progress. I'm also trying to get rid of the sippy cup. I figure I might as well do it all at once!! Wish me luck, since we have less than a month before school starts back!

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