Monday, August 9, 2010

Fever the first day of school

My first official day back on the job and the daycare director comes to find me at 8:30 am saying that Turner has a fever. So, I get him home, only for him not to run a fever all day with me. Arthur and I don't have too many choices of what to do with him when he's sick, especially when it's my first week of school and it's the beginning of a week (when a paper has to be put out!). So, pray that it was just a teething incident or something minor and that I can get him back in preschool ASAP so that I don't use up all my leave time before I even get a paycheck for this school year! This was definitely not the start I had planned for. I envisioned an enjoyable day meeting new students, a relaxed afternoon to prepare my lessons for the rest of the week, and a calm evening at home with my child after my first full day of work. I didn't come even close to getting any of that today. But enough venting. I need rest to tackle whatever tomorrow brings.......

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