Friday, February 27, 2009

on schedule

Went for the last prenatal visit today. Did another non stress test and I passed it today without too much difficulty. Carol still gave me diet coke, but who complains about receiving free drinks? Dr. Gallaspy's reply was still "Well, you've dilated some..." when he checked me. He and Arthur had the circumcision discussion today but I'm still not exactly sure which way we'll end up going. There's a 50% chance we won't have to make that call, but if we do, I guess we'll decide on Sunday/Monday. Today's visit was mostly receiving orders in regards to the induction-be here at this time, eat this at this time but don't take your insulin, don't eat or drink after this time, expect this to happen at this time, etc. So, I think we can officially say that the baby's bday will be sometime on Monday, Mar 2. I'll be at Springhill Medical Center (in Mobile) on Sunday, but if you're wanting to see the baby, you might as well wait til Monday to show up. Don't have a clue of a time to tell you that would be best though. I really don't care to have people show up Sunday to show their support for a woman being induced for labor! :) I would appreciate it more if you come see us all once the difficult part is over. I think I got a glimpse today of what Arthur is going to be like come Sunday/Monday. Man, was he pacing the floor of the exam room today, all fidgety and nervous! Flipping through 1,000 magazines and not reading a sentence in one of them! It was cute today..let's see if I still find it that way during contractions! haha I'll get the details of the arrival posted as soon as I can along with a picture hopefully. But expect it all to go down by Monday! :) Please keep us in your prayers during this time!

Nursery pictures

Thursday, February 26, 2009

arthur's columns

I realized that I have neglected to keep you updated on Arthur's columns and he usually writes something about the baby every other week or so. So, let me try to get you caught up. (I think I'm missing one that he typed from work, so I'll have to get that one up later) There have been several readers of the Times who have commented that they enjoy reading his columns about the baby and that it has been a great way for them to keep up with what's going on with us.

Jan 22, 2009
When I mentioned the other day that we’d been to the “baby birthin’ class” Bridgett was quick to correct me that it was called the “child birth education class.”
Well, okay, but we are birthin’ a baby aren’t we? Even though I’ve joked that I wouldn’t mind if we birthed an 18 year old instead. Okay, we’re birthing a child too.
Either way, I never birthed a baby before and “I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies.” At least, I didn’t know much until I took the baby birthin’, I mean child birthing class. Usually the classes stretch across several weeks, but luckily for us, they offer the busy executive and country mouse out-of-towners classes on a Saturday to fit in with our busy schedules on account of us being out of town all the time.
Come to think of it, that’s what busy executives do too. They spend a lot of time out of town. Why, if all us country folk got together and rented ourselves an office and hired us a secretary to tell folks we were away from the office on business (a perfectly true account most days), we’d wind up looking pretty important. Might even qualify for one of those nice government bailouts.
But anyway, I survived the child birthing class, but just barely. Men, let me tell you something if you’re about to have a baby or planning to have one. If you go to a child birthing class, be prepared to be lit into for no other reason than the fact that you were able to procreate.
There are folks out there who can take advantage of just about any opportunity to complain about something. And if they’re not complaining, they sure sound like it. Well Saturday, one of those people wound up being my teacher and I felt like I spent seven hours getting fussed at for things I haven’t done and haven’t even had a chance to do all on account of just happening to be built differently.
Now, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, at least in retrospect, so my teacher might have just been having a bad day at the office, we all have them, and sometimes we’re not on our A-game, and that’s what I’m going with here.
All that means is to say, I held my tongue in class. But one poor fella in the class, well, four hours of it was about all he could take and he started talking back to the teacher. She’d say something like “you men better not come home and plop on the couch watching TV and not change that baby.” And it would just be too much for him, and he’d reply with something like “oh, I’m gonna change the baby alright, don’t you worry about that!”
Luckily, nobody got their feelings too hurt and maybe all us mean ol’ men needed to hear that kind of stuff anyway. But my fellow men, you have been warned.

Feb 5, 2009
Contrary to popular belief, baby McLean is not here yet. Soon, but not here yet. But with the ticking of the clock and the kicking of the belly, there are still a few decisions that have to be made. We’ve put them off, forgotten about them, and then put them off some more, but we’re just about out of time now. I won’t go into too many details about what those decisions are, but I’ve had a lot of people ask me if the baby’s here yet. My answer, not yet. Although Bridgett tried to pull a joke on me the other day that it was coming sooner than expected. That one didn’t work.

Feb 26, 2009
By the time you read this column next week, I’ll be a brand spanking new daddy. And I’m getting a cold just in time for the blessed occasion as well. The ladies here at the paper say it’s nerves. Could be. I’ll admit to being nervous. I’ve never done this before.
I’ve always said I like new challenges and so the Good Lord has seen fit to make so as I don’t have to go looking very far any more. I’ll have a whole lifetime of them, starting with day one.
I would also like to humbly apologize to my poor long-suffering parents for all the grief I put them through over the years. As one reader, who shall remain nameless said with a maniacal laugh while closing the door: “It’s coming for ya!”
Yes, it’s coming for me alright. I can hear the footsteps of the poor judgements and shortsighted snap decisions of my youth creeping up from behind me even now. They are the ghosts of youth now past, come to haunt my Scrooge-like maturity as I worry about the responsibility for the life now in my hands.
All kidding aside, it is getting pretty exciting around here. Everything’s pulling together with all the last touches coming at the final moment. As if anyone had any doubt. I just hope I don’t sneeze on the baby.

I go to the dr. tomorrow for the last prenatal visit. So, expect one more blog before you get the arrival announcement!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

no cooperation

Well, since I'm writing this blog, you now know it is evident that I got sent home from the dr's office today. If I don't go into real labor on my own in the next week, Dr. G is making me wait til Mar 1 for an induction. Paula did another BPP today but didn't really have much new info to tell us with this one. The score was still good and I don't have another one scheduled. Paula said last week that she can't call a baby "it" during an ultrasound and always uses a masculine "he" if she has to use a pronoun for babies when parents don't know the sex, but she has usually avoided using pronouns with us. So, it caught me off guard today when she said "What's HIS name?" My response was simply "Turner Gray if it's a boy and Callie Margaret if it's a girl". So, that could have been a slip---or not. Dr. G said I had dilated more today but I never got a number on how much exactly. It was chaotic today with them hooking me up to the monitor for the non stress test. Then, not only did the doc not cooperate with me today, but the baby refused to move for the test. Diet Coke was brought in for me to drink---nothing. Carol shook my poor aching belly---nothing. Finally, she used this buzzer on my stomach til she at least got what she wanted on the chart. And naturally, as soon as she took the monitor off, the child goes to town in my belly. So, unless someone decides to cooperate and put me out of this misery before March 1, you'll be reading another week and a half's worth of blogs of me complaining about how tired and uncomfortable I am and how I'm ready to get this over with. I have one more appt scheduled for next Fri morn (27th) and they'll do another non stress test and finalize the plans for the induction.

Monday, February 16, 2009

neverending pain

Ok, so since my dr's visit last week I've started experiencing every impending labor symptom/sign/pain imaginable. The only problem is I'm not having regular contractions to make it "real" labor. But I've basically had to put myself on bed rest to be able to endure how uncomfortable this all is. I've even been desperate enough to try every home method imaginable to try to induce labor naturally. For those of you who "swore" to me this or that worked for you, I am here to tell you, NOTHING WORKED!!!! I am still here at home, tired and in pain, and ready for this baby to come on out. I go to see Dr. G in the morning and I assure you he will not be getting sweet, chipper, happy Bridgett that he's used to. He is getting desperate, begging, pleading Bridgett who is going to whine until he induces labor. So, if tired, weepy, hurting Bridgett gets her way tomorrow, we will have a delivery in the next day or so. I am ready for the severe pain to come--at least I know that it will be gone soon, that drugs are available for it, and that a baby being brought into this world will be the end result. This dull pain that never ceases to let up for weeks on end is not what I had planned on enduring. But whatever the doctor's decision is tomorrow, know that we are getting closer (even if it has been an extremely slow process this week) to welcoming a child into our arms.

Oh! And at this rate you can forget there being another maternity shoot. I don't feel like smiling for a camera anymore and don't have the strength or energy to put on makeup and fix my hair. We still have one wall that is missing its' decorations but one day I will show you what the nursery looks like (and perhaps upload photos from the church shower). And of course, the last shower has been put on hold since I keep expecting a trip to the hospital any day now. But the people invited to that one will at least have the advantage of knowing what the sex is for clothing purposes and what we're still lacking in the gift dept.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lots to remember for this update

Let's see if I can think of every bit of information I was told today--Ultrasound (or Biophysical profile) looked good. Amniotic fluid levels were good, baby was practicing breathing so Paula said lungs were ready to go if baby came out today, guesstimate weight right now 7 lbs. 4 oz., kept gender a surprise!, lots of movement which gave me a good "score" and Paula said it was a big headed, chubby cheeked--but pretty-- baby. Paula (the ultrasound tech) and nurse Carol both commented on how low the baby is sitting now. Paula said my belly was ALL BABY and she guesses it will deliver weighing about 8 1/2 lbs in the next two weeks. My blood pressure was a "textbook number" today according to Carol (120/70). Weight was actually up two pounds (but I had on a pair of yellowboxes that I don't usually wear and I swear they weigh 2 lbs!) Checked my hemoglobin again today and that number was in the good range. Measured 37 1/2 weeks this time (at 36). Dr. Gallaspy did an internal exam and said I was 70% effaced and almost 1 cm dilated. He said today he would take the baby by 39 weeks. So, this should definitely be a February baby and not a March one. My sugar levels started running higher this week, which I figured was because of the cold I've been battling, but Dr. G said it was because the baby was using up all my insulin now that it's getting bigger. So, he increased my insulin shots by another 2 units each time. He said he would be worried if my sugar levels didn't run higher in the next few weeks, so no concerns there. Next week I'll get another BPP and a non stress test along with my internal exam. And hopefully that covers everything you wanted to know!

Oh! Had a good shower yesterday at the church. I think we have enough diapers to last us about 3 months now and probably enough wipes to last us at least 6. Got the high chair, tub, and diaper pail. Got enough onesies and gowns to get the child through the first 4-5 months of life. Got nail clippers and thermometers and other necessities in healthcare kits as well as some fashionable bags for the child's belongings. Finally got the kid a couple of toys and books. And of course, I'm leaving out lots of other precious items received but those are the things that are sticking out in my mind right now. If you need to know what we still are missing or could use the most, just ask! :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

almost 36 weeks

Since Arthur and I haven't taken a belly shot in over 2 weeks, I took a clothed self portrait the other day. We're aiming for the last maternity shoot to be done next Sat on Valentine's Day, but you might not see those til after the baby arrives! :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

shower photos

Here are a couple of photos from the shower at Mom and Dad's house a few weeks ago (hosted by Dad's sisters). Aunt Carolyn made the arrangement out of onesies, bibs, and washcloths that are for the baby (once I finally take it apart--I've been enjoying it as a centerpiece still for now). She also made the corsage. Tiffany McVay made the cake (that of course I didn't get to sample!).

I realize that I've only gained 12 pounds the entire pregnancy, and that I was overweight to begin with, and that I haven't really "grown" much. I also realize that people are trying to be complimentary when they make comments like "You don't even really look pregnant!" but you know, it really doesn't make you feel better when people don't realize you're pregnant when you only have a few weeks left to go. It just makes me feel fat and makes me wonder how fat people thought I was before I got pregnant! :( So, please save me from your kind remarks of saying you can't even tell I'm pregnant! ;) At this point in time, I think I'd rather hear "You're HUGE!" to make me feel not so fat! haha

Monday, February 2, 2009

35 weeks

I know we're real behind on belly shots, but as usual, there's not much change to see anyway. Saw Dr. G again today. Sugar levels are looking good now (except for last night when I couldn't stay out of the snacks Arthur had for he and Ross to eat while watching the Super Bowl--Dr. G said at least I fessed up and admitted it was my mistake so that he knew he didn't need to make any adjustments). Blood pressure looked better today. Had lost a pound again. Still measured 37 weeks-Dr. G said that the reason there didn't APPEAR to be any growth was because it felt like the baby had dropped. I have to say that I definitely agree with that statement! Until you've been there yourself, you have no idea how uncomfortable it is with a baby sitting that low in your pelvic cavity. No concern for swelling since it still manages to go away as easily as it comes. Next week, I will have an ultrasound (or technically a biophysical profile since I'm considered high risk) so they'll also check amniotic fluid and the size of the baby and all that fun stuff to make sure the baby's still doing ok. (We might accidentally figure out the sex of the baby while looking around, but mom says she doesn't want to know now that she's waited this long! Hopefully it will remain a surprise, though!) I'll also get the group B strep test next week (won't go into the details of that one but if I test positive, it just means they'll give me some antibiotics during labor to protect the baby). Sunday (Feb 8)at 1 pm is the shower at Grove Hill Methodist Church for anyone who wants to attend. I need to get the pics posted from the family shower, but it will have to wait til another day. Dad's almost finished with the final touches for the nursery so I hope Mom, Arthur and I can get everything on the walls this week and I won't have to worry about any more projects for the room (for a while at least). I guess I need to finish packing my bags here pretty soon too! :)