Thursday, June 26, 2008

music from the 50s and 60s

So, I ended up doing Karaoke the other night with the youth since I couldn't get a band. Would you believe it wasn't the hit songs of today that needed screening? It was the songs of the 50s and 60s that got me in trouble. All of us know the chorus to RESPECT but have you ever read the lyrics to the rest of the song? (Sadly enough, I didn't even know how the tune went for anything but the chorus hahahah) I was in the musical "Grease" in Junior High and didn't think anything about the group singing Summer Nights until after they started and I paid attention to the words. How did we get away with that as freshmen in a public school?? So, a word of advice to those of you planning a Karaoke night with a church youth group, stick to Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, and High School Musical and you can't go wrong.

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