Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Domesticated house wife needs training

Arthur's going to get tired of my blogs being about him! hahah I've never had to check my pockets before doing laundry because I never put anything in them. However, Art's pockets stay full and I have got to establish the habit of double checking them before I throw them in the wash. Yesterday, there was a black felt tip pen in one of his pants pockets that got not only washed, but dried as well. Needless to say, I was left with an entire load of colored clothes that were ink stained. I have tried Shout, OxyClean, hairspray and rubbing alcohol and have gotten it down to 3 pieces that still remain obviously ruined. If anyone has any other suggestions of what might work, please let me know. I still might try finger nail polish remover. So, for anyone out there planning on becoming domesticated anytime soon, start practicing checking every pocket before you start a load of laundry. It will save you the hassle I had yesterday.

1 comment:

Missy said...

hi there... i just stumbled across your blog and started reading. vinegar. try vinegar... its an old wive's tale. good luck! i hate to do laundry and toilets. i hate to spend 3.50/bottle of cleaner even more!