Monday, June 23, 2008

more drama

The air conditioning saga is not over! Thursday night I was lying on the couch working on VBS material and I knew I kept hearing this "noise" but I couldn't figure out what it was. Arthur walked by to join me on the couch and was like "There's a wet spot on the floor!" Look up, and there's water dripping from several places in the ceiling (conveniently from a spot where we know the air conditioner pan is located above). Sure enough, the air conditioner pan in the attic is overflowing water, which is not supposed to happen. So, Friday they put in a temporary fix to deflect the water and leave us a shop vac in case it happens again. I had church duties all day today (VBS, nursing home visit, Youth Week) so I don't know if they came by today to make any more adjustments. But if you come to visit, don't look up in the game room, because there's plenty of water spots to point out!!! Maybe getting a new air conditioner wasn't the right solution after all.

So, I get this brilliant idea to bring in a band Tuesday night for Youth week at church. Problem is, I haven't been able to find a Christian band to come play. So, I'm at a loss for what to do "music related" tomorrow night to entertain the youth. If you can help in any way, please let me know!! :)

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