Monday, June 16, 2008

the craziness that is called life

Let me tell you about Saturday. Arthur and I had planned on leisurely finishing up the move from his old rental house. Most of what was left needed to go in a storage unit since it was all photography related and we really only had about a load left to go to Grove Hill. Well, when we returned from our first trip to the storage unit, there was a UHaul in the driveway with several people sitting on the front steps. Turns out, the landlord had told the new tenant that we would be out this weekend and so there she was waiting to move in. To make a long story short, needless to say we were then rushed in our move out. But at least it's done now.

So, we get up at 5:30 am on Friday to allow the air conditioning people the opportunity to put in our new unit. It was great finally having a cool house.....until Sunday afternoon when I came home to discover that it no longer worked. They had to come back this morning to get it working again.

I told Arthur I need to start finding positive things to write about. I feel like all you hear is the negative stuff. But it makes for a much more interesting blog! Oh, and Arthur promises to start writing blogs again soon for those of you who check out both our sites. :)

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