Monday, June 9, 2008

arthur's stuff

When Arthur's stuff was in his old house, it didn't seem like much. But now that most of it is in our house, it seems like I'll never find a place to put it all! :) I never realized how many clothes the boy has. He always seems to wear the same couple of shirts and pants but now that we've gotten it all organized in the closet I've realized he has weeks worth of clothing that I've never seen him wear (and many of which still had the price tags on them!!!).
We had a pantry shower yesterday that was hosted by the ladies at my parents' church. Wow, do we have a lot of non perishable food items now! It will really help with the grocery bill now that we're having to finance a new air conditioner. Arthur did all his research (which you know is a hobby of his!) and we couldn't get by with a window unit. So, Alabama Power is allowing us to finance the cost of a heat pump on our monthly bill at a low interest rate.
I can't wait to get the house finally decorated so that we can start letting people in the door again!

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