Thursday, March 19, 2009

Weight Loss

Well, I don't think all new mothers can brag two weeks after coming home from the hospital about how delivery can be equated to weight loss surgery. I am currently 13 lbs lighter than I was before I ever got pregnant, or even married! (too bad I never could get the pounds off before the wedding day!) I am 25 lbs lighter than I was when I went in to have Turner. Granted, I'm still a little flabbier than I would like to be. Those pre-pregnancy clothes still don't quite fit the way they used to. I keep hoping each day that my belly will return to a slightly more normal shape. But, while everyone else who recently had a baby says "I just can't lose those last 10 pounds" I'm saying "PTL I've lost more than 10 pounds!" I'm hoping I'll still shed a few more before it's all said and done!

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