Thursday, March 26, 2009

He's too young to choose

Ok, so maybe Arthur got around to uploading other pics so I have more to share than just the ones I took. We went to Mobile Saturday and both of Art's sisters were in town, so I was kind enough to dress Turner in his Auburn gear since they're all AU fans. He'll have to decide for himself one day where his allegiance will lie. And don't worry UA fans, he does have Bama clothes that I will dress him in one day and I'll be sure to take pics and share those with the world as well.


Barb said...

This is HIGHLY disturbing! And you're never too young to choose. Alabama all the way! Though he might be the cutest Auburn fan I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

maybe he will make the smart choice and go Mississippi State ;)

Bridgett said...

Hmm, I'm trying to figure out who the anonymous comment is from....MS State fans that might leave a remark---my brothers Jeff and James, possibly Jeremy or Jana-----but now that I think about it, there is probably a long list of people who could easily make this statement. Tell you what-as soon as someone sends me a MS St outfit (make it at least a 6 month outfit for the growing boy) then I'll be happy to dress him in it too and show off the pics!