Thursday, March 26, 2009

Photos by Bridgett

Ok, so I got nervous yesterday that at the rate Turner is gaining weight, that he might be too big already for some outfits. So, I decided I would put him in them and take pictures just in case it was the only chance we had. There were 3 outfits that belonged to Arthur (or possibly even Lynn and Noel) that I just had to use. Granted two of them are not appropriate for the current weather we're having, but again, I just couldn't resist the temptation of being able to say "Look at the different generations of McLeans that wore these clothes!" So, I laid Turner down on a quilt that was also used by Lynn, Noel, and Arthur (yes I know it is pink!) and snapped a few pics. And yes, I know I am not the photographer in the family. All those photography classes I have sat through with Arthur teaching and I still don't use a camera correctly. In my defense, a shoot with a 3 week old baby is not when you should be taking your time to figure out aperture and shutter priorities. Anyway, here are some recent photos for you! And let me tell you--clothes made for babies today are much easier to get them in and out of! Thank goodness for new inventions. (and PTL that Turner was in a good mood yesterday and didn't fuss about the wardrobe changes!)

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