Friday, March 27, 2009

Directions to Horeb

Most of you aren't interested in this information, but it's an easy way to share it for those of you who do need it. So, if you are planning on attending Horeb Baptist Easter Sunday at 11 am and haven't a clue where to find the church, here's what you should know. It's off of Hwy 84 (past Grove Hill) in Whatley. Around mile marker 49 (I believe) after going down a hill you should see a road called Princess Trail on your left. Turn Left onto Princess Trail and head a block or two until the road ends. You should then see the church sitting directly in front of you. For those of you who are visual learners, I will try to head out that way before April 12 and give you some more details to be on the watch for. It's been years since I've been out to the church and need a refresher myself.

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