Saturday, January 24, 2009

Weekly Dr Visit Update

Well, yesterday was the longest I've ever had to sit and wait for a visit with Dr. Gallaspy. But he did have to deliver a baby while I was there. Blood pressure was out of whack. The bottom number was too high this time. I finally stopped losing weight from the new diet and managed to actually put one whole pound back on. Got another tweak in the insulin shots-just increased my long acting insulin by two units in the evening dose to help bring down my early morning sugar level by a few points. But here's the scary part--I went from measuring 34 wks (at 33) to measuring THIRTY SEVEN (at 34). Do the math people..that's 3 weeks worth of growth in ONE week. Dr. G said when he felt my tummy that it seemed like the baby had gotten a lot bigger in one week and I said "yeah I joked with Arthur that I felt like it had gained 6 lbs this week!" Then when he measured me, he was like "This is a big baby...and you're on insulin to keep this from happening!" So, I still keep telling myself that this will end up a Feb baby and not a March one if he/she keeps growing at this rate.

Had a family shower last night. Got lots of good stuff! Several packs of diapers and wipes; onesies, sleepers, and a couple of outfits; lots of bath products; bottle drying rack and brush; play pen; stroller and car seat; blankets; burpcloths;crib bedding and lots of other needed stuff that I know I'm leaving out right now. But the nursery is finally coming along it seems. It might look like a finished baby's room in another month's time....

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