Thursday, November 19, 2009

Poor, Poor Turner

Turner started running a fever today, so I went ahead and took him back to the pediatrician's office (since we've never gotten over the illnesses from the last month!). His ears actually looked better but they did some bloodwork and decided he has a viral infection. Nothing we can do about it except wait a few days with the hopes that it will go away. He actually didn't have an appetite today, so we knew there was something wrong with the boy! And he has slept so much today that it's scary thinking about how little he'll sleep tonight!!! I don't have to take him back for a 9 month check up now, since we've been in the doctor's office twice in the last two weeks. So, we'll go back for a 1 yr wellness visit, or more likely---the next sick visit will come first!! He's smiled through the other sicknesses, but today he was not a happy camper and you could tell he did not feel good for once. It breaks your heart (or at least it does mine) to see him hurting so much......

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