Tuesday, July 14, 2009

turner's new vocabulary

It takes a few seconds into the video for him to finally warm up to the camera (to do something besides stare at it), but stick with watching it and you'll discover Turner's new "word". I think we reinforced him too much the other night because now it's the only sound he'll make. You'll see from all the spit/drool he produces making this noise that there was no point in having a shirt on him since slobber was rolling all down his chest. Three or four shirts in one day now is more than enough outfits to go through. So, you'll just have to excuse my shirtless baby. Now if we could just get him to make a conscious effort to say "mama", "dada", etc.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Turner's a cutie - and Mrs. White would be so proud with all the motor-boating going on in that video. :)