Friday, July 10, 2009

4 month check up

Sorry I don't have any new pics to post. Maybe we'll get to a 4 month shoot here in the next wk or so. But I do have the latest update from our visit to the pediatrician today. 19 lbs and 11 oz. 27" long. Growth chart still shooting straight up and off the chart for kids his age. Got the go ahead to add fruits to the meal plan and to start giving him a big dinner now in addition to his big lunch. Hernia is much improved and probably healed by now. Dr. S said gravity was against my poor baby and it could be up until he's 7 months old before he rolls over. Big boys just don't seem to get there as fast in that dept. He said Turner will probably be sitting up long before he rolls over. His flat head is still improving, and the doc doesn't seem too worried about--it will probably be gone in the next few months (when he sits up and rolls over!) Turner got the next round of shots today. So far, he's doing better than he did the last time, but there's still time for the fever and fussiness to kick in. I think that's everything to report.

Turner seemed to have a good time in Jackson, MS this week. He had lots of ladies to love on him and he and Mimi/Carol had a blast! I'm personally glad to be back home myself. Centrifuge was a great experience (of course!) and it was nice seeing old friends from Trace Ridge but I'm happy to be back in my own home/bed! Arthur seemed to have survived w/out us for 4/5 days.

I go back to my doc in a week and a half for a check up. Should get my sugar levels checked again and see how this cyst is doing. I start rehearsing more for our production of Big River next week. ACT Prep is over. I enjoyed doing it, but didn't have enough kids sign up for me to make any money off of it. If anyone has any ideas of how I can earn some income this month to get the bills paid, please let me know! ;)

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