Sunday, July 26, 2009

sitting up

Turner's getting the hang of sitting up by himself now. Granted, he's still only doing it for a few seconds at a time, but that's progress! Some of you may find this very boring, but others of you might enjoy being able to see the little things he learns to do each and every day! We never got around to a 4 month photo shoot and he'll be 5 months next Sunday, so you'll just have to settle for all the videos we've uploaded as your indication of how much he's grown in the last month!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so great and of course it is not boring for me. The videos let me be a part of things and I really enjoy seeing the little bits of progress! Keep 'em coming.

It is fun for me to show friends when they come by and ask to see the latest pictures, I can show them videos too!

Regarding the missed 4 month shoot--I will have to email y'all the pictures I took of Turner in Mobile weekend before last...they can be your substitute pics for 4 month shots. They are really good.
Aunt Lynn