Monday, March 3, 2008

It looks like the people chose.....

Monogram #3! It was a tight race with #4 though. We like them all, but I guess we'll go with the one the majority picked. So, look for the design at the reception!

We went to Mobile this weekend to pick up some items for the wedding. Arthur got a new dress shirt, a tie, socks and a belt to go with his suit. We bought flowers for the bouquet. We decided to go with an artificial bouquet since I would need them for the bridal portraits, the wedding day and the reception day. But Arthur will attest to the fact that I searched high and low for the most realistic looking ones. We also looked at wedding bands (for me, Art already got his). Again, I think the theme of this wedding is that things aren't just jumping out at me saying PICK ME! PICK ME! So, there are several options out there, in a variety of price ranges. I do know that I want something with diamonds in it and not just a plain band. I do know that the mounting on his grandmother's ring makes it where you can't just put anything with it. We should have the money coming in in the next week or so for us to actually make the purchase, so who knows what we'll pick! I don't think I'll post a poll for that decision, though! :)

1 comment:

Barb said...

#3 was my choice. That's cool. Glad things are coming together for the wedding, even if it feels like you're not always being the most decisive. That's okay - you've already made the most important decision. =)