Wednesday, March 19, 2008

if it weren't for bad luck

I'd have no luck at all. Arthur says I have already inherited the McLean curse. Things just don't seem to be going my way anymore. I don't know that I can even begin to recount all the things that have gone horribly wrong in the last week. I'll just tell you probably the best one was falling out my door the other day and hitting the concrete. My left knee has a huge knot on it (with some bruising of course) and my right knee is scraped up worse than falls I had as a kid or wrecks I used to have on my bicycle growing up. I jammed my left shoulder from trying to brace myself in the fall but it feels better now. But you don't want to hear that kind of stuff, you want wedding news........ Well, I got my wedding band. I'm having some alterations done on the dress this week and weather permitting Arthur and I may try to do some bridal portraits this weekend while the azaleas are in bloom. And if I don't get any more promising job leads in the next week, we may be bumping the wedding date up. We can't change the honeymoon or reception date at this point in time, but we may try to eliminate half the bills by going ahead and doing the deed a few months early. You'll just have to wait for the celebration. I need to get photos from the TBC shower from Arthur so that I can post those and Arthur took some great shots of our wedding bands that I need to get from him and post for you to see. We've almost finished the wedding favors and I sent out 84 thank you notes this week (See, it's a good thing I've had a little free time on my hands the last two weeks!). Umm, I believe that's all that I can think of to tell you right now. Stay posted for pics and for the ultimate decision of to wed early or not to wed early!

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