Wednesday, October 6, 2010

hello darling, nice to see you, it's been a long time!

Sorry it's been so long. This pic is of Turner at his first Thomasville High football game. Arthur's got some funny shots of Turner wearing a moustache, but I don't know when he'll ever get around to editing them. Hopefully, by the end of the month, we'll have some of Mr. T in his Halloween costume. He's going to be a zoo keeper this year. We're starting off this fall season just like last year: lots of snotty noses, coughs, and random fevers. Hopefully ear and sinus infections will not be the norm again this year. My migraines have gone from once a year to once a month. I'm going to start documenting them to see if I can figure out what is triggering them so often now, so that maybe I can find a solution for preventing them. That's all the new stuff I can think of right now to share. I just knew I needed to get something on here, since it's been almost a month now since my last post. I can't promise that it will get better, but I'll see what I can do!

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