Tuesday, September 14, 2010

18 month wellness visit

Went to see Dr. S. yesterday. Almost 34 lbs and almost 36 inches. Way off the growth chart this time. Dr. S said he thought that since he had finally slowed down at the 15 month visit that he would start plateauing more, but NOPE! He's higher than ever on the chart. He said he was in the range of a 3 year old. He asked about vocabulary, which you know concerns me, so I said "How many words should he have by now?" The dr.'s response was 10 words, so I said, "We're ok then, I counted between 50-75 the other day." We've battled chest congestion this past week, but the doc didn't find any ear infections or cause for concerns or need for medicine. And we've been making progress again in the potty training dept. All thanks to prizes and special stickers. We'll go broke buying cheap gifts from the dollar store every time we use the potty at school or go more than 4-5 times in a day at home. But if they're working, then I guess they're saving us money on pull-ups in the long run. Hopefully I won't be writing blogs this week about another sickness we've contracted.....

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