Wednesday, September 8, 2010

have new pics--need time to upload

Week 5 of school--I've been up every night for a week and half with Turner--teething and now coughing. Now I've got the crud myself. If we don't have a better night tonight, then I guess we'll be calling the dr's office. And I am supposed to be singing this Sunday. We'll see about that.....We have pics from August and some from our fishing trip with "Baw-Baw"(it was supposed to be Paw Paw but Turner doesn't have a "p" sound yet) on Labor Day. Arthur's new camera doesn't make the pics the right size anymore for this site, so I don't know if he's converted them yet. But we do have some to show you if you haven't already seen them on facebook. Sorry there's not more to share with you right now......

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