Friday, May 21, 2010

stomach virus round 2

I had been warned at school that the stomach virus was making another round through CPS. Yesterday afternoon Turner had a really loose stool and I started wondering. Last night he wouldn't eat dinner and this morning he wouldn't eat breakfast. He was whiny and clingy and then when he had another bout of diarrhea early this morning, my suspicions were confirmed. I'll spare you the details, but luckily it was a mild case this time. Let's hope Arthur and I don't catch it again. So, naturally I did not send Turner to daycare today for my last day to myself, and naturally I did not get the things accomplished that I wanted to do today. And of course, it was mine and Arthur's anniversary, and our romantic meal together involved a sick Turner, a mommy dealing with sickness herself in the form of sinus congestion, and a daddy who picked up chicken from Chester's--which we proceeded to eat from paper plates around the coffee table in the den. Oh's to 2 years of marriage anyway!

Day 2 of the stomach virus--and the vomiting begins!!!! The poor fella is having a REALLY rough day of it today!!! I need to stop saying things are mild too soon, because they get really nasty every time I imagine that it's going to be easy.

Tuesday--I'm probably speaking too soon again to say that it looks like Arthur and I won't catch this round of the virus. Turner is slowly drinking milk again. I was beginning to worry since he had been refusing it (after it was what he threw up!). And his appetite seems to be increasing again. So, hopefully we're over this bit. I need to send him to daycare tomorrow, so who knows what he'll catch next!

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