Thursday, May 13, 2010


Turner has become accident prone all of a sudden. Last week he stepped in an ant bed and got attacked and tripped on the sidewalk and scraped his head all in the same evening. Then he fell in the hotel bathroom in Chattanooga and blackened his eye. Monday, he moved up into the next class at preschool and got bit on the cheek while fighting over a toy. He still has marks on his face from that one. He's decided he wants to try to run instead of walk and he keeps tripping and falling all over the place. Tonight at Old Mexico, he flirted with all these girls at a table behind us, only to embarrass himself by falling on the way out. Then he banged his head on the door while we were leaving!!

We went to Chattanooga last weekend for our first family vacation. Arthur had to take pictures of Richmont's graduation, so we went up a day early to enjoy some time sightseeing together. Arthur took some great pics of Turner on our trip, and hopefully I'll get some up here soon. Friday, we went to the aquarium and the discovery museum. Saturday, while Arthur was working, Turner and I went to the zoo, where we also got to ride the carousel, and then we went to Lake Winnie. I spent some years living in TN as a child and I remember dad's company outings were always held at Lake Winnie. I recall pics taken of dad and me riding the antique cars together that are probably still in the family album. It was so fun getting to take my son to one of the places that I have fond memories of as a child. Turner got to ride kiddie rides for the first time in his life, and he loved every minute of it. I shot some video of him riding in the jeep and the ladybug and the boat.......The park actually looked a lot like it did 25 years ago! Turner did really well, until about the last 2 hours of the ride home when he fought sleep. I was nervous about taking him on a trip like that, but he made me feel better about taking him somewhere else now. Which is a good thing, since I finish school next week and we'll have some free time this summer for other excursions.

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