Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stop! Fever Time!

Second Update--I spent the money and took the time to take Turner to Dr. S this morning. Only for him to have no idea why my child has been sick for the last 3 days. Probably a viral infection. Ears looked good. Lungs sounded good. Nothing we can give him. Just continue to keep an eye on him. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad Turner's ok, but it's just frustrating not knowing what was wrong to begin with!

Update--I spoke too soon. His fever has returned and now I can't find a sub for school tomorrow!

When I went to pick Turner up from daycare after school Friday, they had just taken his temperature and it was 101.5. They said he had been clingy and fussy for most of the day. That's pretty much the way he's been all weekend, too. His temperature would stay down as long as he had medicine in him, and the fever now finally seems to be gone. I don't know if it was just a viral infection or the start of another sinus/ear infection. I'll keep an eye on him today and decide whether or not we need to call the doctor's office in the morning. Sorry that I missed the Big River reunion concert last night, but lack of sleep and a needy child kept me at home.

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