Thursday, March 4, 2010

1 year wellness checkup and shots

Took Turner to the doc for his 1 year visit yesterday. He was 32 inches long and almost 29 pounds. Still off the growth charts and we got the comments of "he looks a lot older than he is!" His ears looked good, so we're still safe for now. We're going to finish off the can of formula that we have and start the transition to whole milk in a sippie cup. Doc says since he's already on a milk-based formula that we shouldn't see any allergies/problems. Turner walked for the doc and seems to be meeting all his milestones at this time. Got his MMR, chickenpox, and Hep A shots. He was fussy yesterday after we got home, but he seemed to be ok today.

Tuesday, we sent cupcakes to school. Turner, Jackson, and Bo enjoyed them for snack. The ladies who work at the daycare took a couple of pics for us (since I was out of town with scholars bowl for the day and Arthur was working on a paper). The other boys seemed to enjoy their treat, but Turner was rather expressionless. I guess he wasn't quite sure what was going on! Then, Arthur and I let him have a small cake at home after dinner and presents that night. Those are the pics that got posted on here. He seemed to enjoy himself a little more that evening. We'll see how he does Saturday with Arthur's family. We've gotten several cute videos lately, but who knows if they'll ever make it on here. At least enjoy the pics of the fella's first bday!

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