Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Mardi Gras!

We decorated Turner's wagon for the Mardi Gras parade at the daycare/preschool today. Turner seemed to enjoy himself. Except for the part at the end when he didn't get his cup filled with beads.

P.S. --Arthur did a great job of getting these posted quickly, but let me expound a bit....You'll notice the parade ended up being in the hall at the daycare because it was a little too cold outside for toddlers to be parading! Also, poor Turner was taking a nap when it was time for the parade to start, so we woke him up for it. So, if he looks a little dazed and confused, that might be the reason! We had "rehearsed" the night before and Turner was doing such a good job of throwing beads around the house, but either sleep deprivation or too much excitement/too many things to watch kept him from throwing any the day of. You'll also notice that his hat ended up being a fixture in the wagon since he wouldn't keep it on his head that morning. Arthur, being the proud papa and not the newspaper reporter for this event, didn't get any pictures of the other "floats" in the parade. Everyone did a great job, and I can tell you from personal experience, we spent about 8 hours decorating it for 10 minutes of fame and then it took me about an hour to un-decorate it so it could be used as a little red wagon again.

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