Thursday, February 25, 2010

Frankenstein is on the loose

Turner's got the walking thing down now, although he's pretty funny looking doing it. His teachers say he walks better than the rest of the bunch, and he's the youngest one of the group that should be doing it. But it's amazing how much his balance has improved, even in a week. So, hopefully he won't look like Frankenstein much longer. Arthur says sometimes he looks like a sailor on shore leave. He wrote his column about it this week, so you'll have to check out the Tville Times. Tuesday will be the big day--NUMERO UNO! We plan on sending cupcakes to school that day for he and his friends to enjoy at snack. We'll have something small for him to dig into here at the house so that we can take pictures and capture it on video for all of you to see. Both of Arthur's sisters will be in Mobile the weekend after his bday, so we'll head down there then for a mini-celebration. Arthur's mom still has the ceramic candle holder (and candle!!!) from Arthur's first bday, so she plans on putting it on a small cake for Turner. And of course there will be some presents involved in the next week or so. Hard to believe it's already been a year! Next Wednesday, we'll go to Dr. Shearer for shots and his wellness check-up. Next up, getting rid of the bottle and formula!!! fun, fun......

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