Thursday, August 27, 2009

He's doing better than I am!!

Turner's weight was brought up on more than one occasion yesterday, but I joked with Arthur today that I think his size is what has helped him out the most the last two days! If he had been some puny 15 pound 6 month old, he might have ended up in the hospital! But the boy has been going strong today. He hasn't let some nasty swine flu get him down. His fever has stayed down today (with some help from Motrin and Tylenol), his appetite has been good, and he has pretty much acted like his normal self. Overall, I've coughed and sneezed more and sounded/acted sicker than he has. So, I think we're going to be ok. But I'll tell you this, for him to go from being a healthy child who had not been to the doc for anything but wellness checkups to being the youngest patient seen with swine flu is a pretty big jump and is enough to scare any new mommy to death! I'll let you know if anything changes, but after seeing him today, I think the prognosis is good. I feel much more optimistic today about it all. Thanks for all the prayers that were lifted up for our family!

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