Tuesday, December 16, 2008

glucose screening

I failed my glucose screening test yesterday. Which means the day after Christmas I have to go back for a 3 hr glucose tolerance test. Being at the hospital at 6:30 am after not having had anything to eat or drink since midnight and having your finger stuck 4 times in about 4 hours and drinking nasty orange liquids sounds like so much fun doesn't it? If I fail the next one, I'll get dr's orders on diet, exercise and insulin for gestational diabetes. The good news was that my blood pressure was down from the last visit. My hemoglobin count was fine. I went from measuring 25 weeks (at 24) to 30 weeks (at 28). So, even if belly shots don't show a huge difference in the last month, apparently the baby's growing. And I had finally gained a few pounds. Although I shouldn't be complaining that I haven't packed on the pounds. Hopefully I won't have to worry too much about trying so hard to lose the weight afterwards.

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