Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How's this for wedding stress?

I'm about to call off the reception! (Keep in mind I'm just venting here and will get over this in a few minutes/hours/days/weeks?) I just found out that the person I wanted to do the cake is not going to be able to do it after all. (unless of course someone would like to help take up a donation of over $500 to replace his mixer) Arthur and I have already been stressing over what to do for the food for the reception for the last few months anyway and now I get to go back to square one stressing over the cake too. So, if there are any volunteers out there who want to cater, decorate, or bake for a reception as merely a favor for a deranged bride, I know of one who needs some help!!!! Or if anyone can come up with a plan for us to have a couple of thousand dollars more to spend on food for a reception, I might be game for that as well. But as my dear friend Carol always says, "This too shall pass." I just hope it passes quickly!

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