Monday, November 26, 2007

shopping for coordinating outfits

Yesterday Arthur and I went and bought new clothes so that we could have coordinating outfits for our engagement photos. Hopefully we'll get those pics done this wknd and I can put some up on the site soon! I think I'll wait to tell you our idea for what to do with the photos! :)

We also "tentatively" scheduled the Champion House in Thomasville for a reception on May 31, 2008. (That means we haven't paid the deposit yet--haha) Of course, the stipulation in the contract is we can have it on that date (after we pay the deposit of course) IF they don't sell it before then!!!

I think that's about all the new decision making we've done recently.....We're still leaning towards a private ceremony (eloping?) sometime before the 31st (naturally) and honeymooning in Montreal (probably somewhere in the time frame between May 22 and May 28) but we haven't finalized anything in those regards either, so technically it's all still up in the air for us to change our mind!

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