Monday, November 15, 2010

the stomach virus yet again

Turner's teacher was out Friday. Come to find out, she had the stomach virus after sending one of Turner's classmates home with it Thursday. Lo and behold, guess who gets it Friday night? ME! Arthur was gone Friday night at the Tville game and all day/night Sat at the AU game, so I was left to take care of myself and Turner for the weekend. Luckily, my parents called Sat afternoon and helped out with Turner that evening. I just hope we didn't give it to them--because Sunday night Turner had two poops and threw up once in a 2 hour time period. I got on the phone to find a sub--with no luck, so I don't know what my classes did today. But Turner and I stayed home today so maybe we won't infect anyone else.

Friday at the pep rally, the teachers did a skit/dance/cheer routine?? that was pretty hilarious if I say so myself. Arthur showed up and got some pics of us that maybe I'll put on here. Unfortunately, it didn't help us make to state.

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