Saturday, June 12, 2010

15 month checkup

Update: Why does my child always have to be the one of 500 that reacts to vaccinations? He was just ill yesterday but today he started running a fever. His leg was all red and swollen at the injection site yesterday, but it's starting to look better today. Hopefully tomorrow he'll be back to his normal self, so I can send him to daycare while I teach ACT Prep. Fortunately, they're always the mild reactions and not the severe ones, but still, it hurts to see my baby suffer from them.

Of course, Turner's a healthy one. At least he's only at the top of the growth charts now, and not off them anymore. He appears to be at least growing up instead of out now. 33 1/2 inches tall and 29 lbs. Dr. S asked if everyone still thinks he's older than he is. He even said it was because he was a good looking fellow that looked like a young man instead of a baby now. Got some more shots and that was about it for this visit. We took Turner to the Medicine Chest when we got back and treated him to a milkshake at the soda fountain for being such a big boy. Of course, we made it a photo opportunity, so we'll eventually get some of the pics up here.

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