Monday, June 1, 2009

come on in, the water's fine

Saturday, I blew up an old inflatable whale pool I had lying around the house (actually in the shed) for Turner to get his first experience with swimming! We cleaned it up as much as we could, put some water in it, let the water warm up a bit, and then moved the pool back to where there was a little bit of shade before we enjoyed some time soaking up the rays! The poor fellow got lathered down in sunscreen 3 times that afternoon. I was so afraid I would mess up and let him get burned. I also blew up a beach ball and took out one of his bath toys to play with. He had a blast with that ball--I helped him bat at it and he kicked at it and laughed and smiled the whole time. The poor whale started deflating before the afternoon was over so I'm afraid I'm going to have to go buy a new pool if we're to do this again. (I'm thinking the $5 plastic one will be a lot easier!) One of the neighbors saw us and came over and got a kick out of ole Turner kicked back in the pool. We got an even bigger kick out the fact that his swim trunks had a pocket on the inside for a key!!! What does a 3 month old need to keep up with a key for? But as you can see from the pics, he seemed to enjoy himself and wore himself out so much he slept most of the day. Which has made for some rough days and nights since then, might I add! Our schedule's all out of whack now!


Barb said...

great pics! Turner looks like he's having a blast. You're gonna have a beach bum on your hands. What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

That Turner is one happenin' little dude!!! LOL
Aunt Lynn