Thursday, September 18, 2008

I survived bloodwork

Well, Arthur worked late Tuesday night to prepare the paper so that he could go with me to the dr. yesterday. And as expected, I was not on the list for an ultrasound after the girl that I don't like in the office screwed up my appointment. I can't remember if I mentioned that last Wed my nurse called asking why I missed my appt. I told her that my appt card said I was to come on the 17th, not the 10th. So, she transferred me back to rude girl who simply said in a tone I didn't appreciate, "Well, we'll see you next Wed then!" So, I went anticipating that I would be worked in for the day. But it really didn't take us that long to get in. The ultrasound tech said everything looked ok. She sealed the photo of the baby revealing the sex in an envelope for us, so we don't know what it is. But Art and I both came out of there saying we think it's a boy after seeing what we did during the ultrasound. I'll get the pics scanned that she did give us ASAP but you can't tell anything on those. Then, I had to go see Dr. Gallaspy and of course get my bloodwork done. Arthur got to experience firsthand how grueling of an experience that can be for me. The nurse did a good job and I didn't pass out on them, but I sure felt like I came close there at the beginning. I went ahead and consented to the quad test and should know the results early next week. Pray that it is negative, because I really don't think I can handle amniocentisis. The nurse joked that they'll have to put me completely under for that one after the way I acted about them taking my blood! :)

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