Wednesday, September 3, 2008

fabric swatches

Now you have to remember here, I am not the photographer, so these are not great pics. If I can get Arthur to take some more, I will. The photos with stripes are the actual fabric that Arthur picked out for HIS chair that will go in the nursery. We had asked mom and dad to recover a danish modern chair from his old place and suspected we were pregnant when we went fabric shopping. So, Art in true fashion picked his favorite neutral colors since we didn't have a clue what the sex could possibly be. Mom was a little surprised at our color choices (since it didn't match the rest of the house and I didn't tell her at the time the exact nature of the room it would be going in). So, the stripes are our inspiration for the nursery theme. The pics with squares and circles are from fabric swatches that I got for the Flashback bedding by Glenna Jean. It's the bedding choice that we've liked the best so far, but apparently the creators like it a lot too considering the price they put on it. But it's safe to say that the room colors will be in the grays, creams, browns, black family. We ended up with enough fabric that mom and dad are able to make window treatments out of the striped fabric as well (and possibly a seat cushion for the window seat). But with or without the Flashback bedding, it will be a very mod room to say the least.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see pink in the room!!!