Friday, April 25, 2008

watch the paper

I emailed out the engagement/wedding announcement to several papers yesterday. I have not taken care of the Meridian Star, who wants to charge me an arm and a leg to do it. The Mobile Press Register sent me a confirmation email today saying it would appear in their May 11th edition. So, all you Mobile people need to save us a copy of the paper that day! :)
Time is running out and I feel like the list is not dwindling down of things that need to be done.
BTW-My musicians cancelled on me. I am so ready to get this over with so that maybe things will stop going wrong! hahah
The bed finally arrived today. After two weeks of alternating sleeping on the couch and an air mattress, I will be glad to have a nice comfy bed again. Now if I could just afford to get the air conditioning fixed upstairs.......
Well, I think that's all the updates for now. I'm still taking applications for servers (cake, punch, desserts, etc), decorators, clean up crew, and musicians. Those interested in filling any of these positions can send their resume to ARTHUR!!!!! (or me too, I guess!)

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