Monday, January 17, 2011

Turner really does know best

The saying is that "mom knows best", but in some cases, Turner knows better than I do. Yesterday was one such example. He woke up fussy and ill and wouldn't eat his breakfast. Earlier he had been pointing to his tummy, but I thought it was his eczema itching on his belly. Arthur and I both had tried to push him to eat something, and when I got out of the shower in preparation for getting ready for church, he still wasn't eating. He crawled up in my lap and I asked him why he wasn't eating. He pointed to his tummy again, and I asked "Does your tummy hurt?" He nodded his head and coughed as I was saying "Are you going to throw up?" and just about that time, he threw up everywhere. My couch and house still reek of sour milk. There was some serious funk coming out of that boy's body yesterday. Two bouts of diarrhea and fever followed throughout the day. So, I stayed home with him today. He's felt much better today. Still not eating much, but I'm not forcing it today!!!! But at least he's been his chipper, silly self again. Needless to say we didn't make it to church. I've been to choir practice for the last two weeks and have yet to sing in a service. People kept saying, "Oh, Turner's big enough now that you should have time again to sing in the choir." Apparently not. Oh well. You'll probably see another blog in the next few days about Arthur and I having the stomach bug, too. And if Turner's congestion and cough doesn't start clearing up in the next few days, you'll be hearing about another trip to the doctor for antibiotics!!!! Ugh! The illnesses never end, do they?

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