Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yes we have no pictures

Sorry folks, but we haven't taken any pictures this month to upload to the blog. Between bathroom renovations and ear infections, who has time to capture the precious moments with a child? My bathroom was cleared out around New Year's and as of today, Jan 28 it still has not been put back together. A project that was only supposed to take a couple of days is now almost a month in, and with our busy schedules, who knows when I'll get back in it! And of course, Turner had to go and get his third ear infection in 3 months time (the 4th in 6 months), so we've been dealing with an unhappy camper again in the sick dept. This past month has been a high stress one for me and I'm just about at wit's end. I don't even need to start venting on here about all of my problems!!! But all of that is to ask for your forgiveness and patience and to bear with us and eventually we'll post pics of our cutie again. It seems like every piece of mail I've been getting recently is about planning a first birthday party!! Can you believe it? My baby is almost a year old!!! Time really does fly, and we really do need to take advantage of every opportunity we have to preserve those memories!

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