Friday, October 10, 2008

arthur's latest column

For those of you who don't read the Thomasville Times, here's what Arthur put in his column yesterday. Most of you who know him won't be surprised that he tried to find humor in expressing how HE's feeling during the pregnancy, nor will you be caught off guard by the fact that he still has a hard time understanding that this is not a dream.

"We’re about midway through Bridgett’s pregnancy. Being about halfway through with it, I have to say, I’m feeling fine, a little more tired than usual, but overall I’m feeling pretty good. So far, I think I’ve done pretty well. But, seeing as we’ve more or less settled into the new routine of things, every once in a while, the mind will play little tricks and kind of send the whole pregnancy thing into the realm of theoretical concept rather than living breathing reality. But, as soon as it happens, the mind reels once again and jolts back to reality of what’s really happening. I guess I can liken it to drifting off the side of the road, only to be snapped back to reality by the feel of the car tire slipping off the pavement.By now, we could know if it’s a boy or a girl, but we don’t. The evidence is on a little ultrasound printout sealed in a envelope sitting on a table in the house. We’ve actually managed to forget about it lately. I swore up and down that Bridgett wouldn’t be able to handle not knowing while the information was at her fingertips, but she has so far. Friends and in-laws on both sides however, want to know now. So far we haven’t caved to the pressure."

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