Saturday, August 9, 2008


I'll have to scan in the ultrasound pics before I can upload them, but here's what we know......There is only ONE baby, and it is 10 weeks old. The ultrasound tech said she could already tell I was carrying the baby high. We got to see the baby moving around, kicking its legs and waving its arms, which the tech said was good to see. We heard its strong heartbeat. She said the doctor would probably schedule another one in about 6 weeks and to tell her if we didn't want to know what it was, because she would be able to tell by then. I have to go back again next week for my monthly visit. The doc had delivered a baby yesterday morning and was behind already on appts and I wasn't on the list to see him after the ultrasound, so he just said he'd see me next week. So, in the next day or so, I'll post a belly shot and let you see the little thing for yourselves! But I knew how impatient some of you were to know how things went! :)

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