Friday, August 29, 2008

next ultrasound

I forgot to mention that Dr. G scheduled a 16 wk ultrasound for me for Sept 17. This is the one where they check for any defects. This is also the one where I could possibly find out the sex. The nurse who made the appointment was not very cooperative in working with mine and Arthur's schedule, so she booked me on a Wednesday morning which means Art probably won't be able to go. So, we'll see what comes out of my mouth that morning when the tech asks, "Do you want to know if it's a boy or a girl?" I may stick with my gut and say, "NO!! I want it to be a surprise!" and then spend the whole session trying to figure out for myself if I can tell whether it's a girl or a boy. Or I may give in to the pressure and be like OK, just tell me! This is also the appt where they can take blood and do prenatal testing (more screening for defects). Now, anyone who knows me well enough is aware that I pass out every time someone takes blood from me (a habit I developed in high school). So, I don't look forward to this at all. And they actually give you the option of whether or not you want to do the triple/quad screening test (since I'm not yet 35). Which you also know I hate making decisions. When the doc asked if I wanted it done I said "If I knew it would come out negative, I'd do it!" and his response was "If I knew it would come out negative, I wouldn't have to do it!" (Such a smart guy!) So, after all my years of working with children with special needs and knowing the ins and outs of disabilities, the dilemma is---Do I not do the test and worry for 6 more months that there could be something wrong, or do I take the test and if it's positive worry for 6 months that there's a good chance that there's something wrong??? If it comes out positive, then they do amniocentisis, and you should be well aware that I also have panic attacks when you stick a needle in me. So, there's nothing about this process that brings me comfort. But I still have a few weeks left to make the decision. Oh! And they really surprised me at the last dr visit asking me all these questions about whether I was going to want.. an epidural, to breastfeed, to circumcise a boy, etc. I mean, I'm supposed to make decisions on all this stuff in the first two months I'm pregnant???? Wow!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

12 weeks

Monday, August 18, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008


I'll have to scan in the ultrasound pics before I can upload them, but here's what we know......There is only ONE baby, and it is 10 weeks old. The ultrasound tech said she could already tell I was carrying the baby high. We got to see the baby moving around, kicking its legs and waving its arms, which the tech said was good to see. We heard its strong heartbeat. She said the doctor would probably schedule another one in about 6 weeks and to tell her if we didn't want to know what it was, because she would be able to tell by then. I have to go back again next week for my monthly visit. The doc had delivered a baby yesterday morning and was behind already on appts and I wasn't on the list to see him after the ultrasound, so he just said he'd see me next week. So, in the next day or so, I'll post a belly shot and let you see the little thing for yourselves! But I knew how impatient some of you were to know how things went! :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hold your horses

Wow! I keep getting all these nasty emails (not really, but I have had several emails hinting) that I need to update my blog. The ultrasound is tomorrow, so I was simply waiting until I had information from that dr visit before I gave an update. So, calm down, before the weekend is over you will know everything that Arthur and I know! :) Don't worry, the belly hasn't expanded drastically over the last week, so you'll get the 10 week shot this wknd as well. I promise! Just give me another day or two, ok??? ;)