Sunday, April 29, 2012


Yesterday Turner was helping Momma, Daddy, Nana, and Papaw clean up the yard.  We kept carrying sticks to the road for the town crew to clean up.  On one trip, he said "Look Mom! We're building a beaver dam!" Nana and I both explained to him that beavers need water so his next request was for us to pour water over his sticks.  Papaw told him he didn't think having water would bring the beavers to our dam. 

Is it wrong of me to take offense to people commenting that I've lost a "ton" of weight lately? I may lose a pound or two here or there; it all depends on the day, but I certainly haven't lost a ton.  I'm still wearing the same clothes I've been wearing the last 5-6 years.  It just makes me wonder what image they had of me before if they think I've lost that much.  I realize they mean it as a compliment, but when you really haven't lost any weight, it doesn't feel like much of a compliment anymore. 

I've signed up to teach Kindermusik classes in Clarke County.  I have my vocal review coming up to prove I can sing (we're in definite trouble if I can't pass--I'll want my money back from UA for a four year degree if I wasted my time on that).  CCARC is offering a space for me to use and if I get enough interest, I might branch out to Tville/GH. So, if you know of parents with small children who would like for them to be involved in music classes, send them my way. 

Ok, those are my random thoughts for the day! Happy Birthday to me....Happy Birthday to me......